
Black and white image of Karina, a woman with shaved head. She is wearing glitter eye shadow and red lipstick.
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Guest blog posts and podcast interviews

Ehlers-Dan… What? Most people - and sometimes even medical professionals - do not know how to spell Ehlers-Danlos syndrome at all, let alone that they would know anything about the various symptoms that are associated with the rare illness.…
Lucas and Lotte, two young children, are in their classroom playing on a table. Lucas has blonde hair and wears a red "car" shirt, and Lotte has blonde, long hair bound to a ponytail and wears a white shirt.Karina Sturm

Press about ’We Are Visible’

Interviews and Podcasts: EDS Awareness Podcast with Dr. Linda Bluestein I had the honor to be interviewed by Dr. Linda Bluestein, an EDS expert for a podcast featured by EDS Awareness. In this interview, we discuss the challenges of making…