Meghan O’Rourke and The Invisible Kingdom
As part of our monthly Chronic Pain Partners Post Newsletter, I had the pleasure of speaking with Megan O’Rourke, a fellow Zebra, but more importantly, journalist and author who recently published the bestselling book “The Invisible…
Interview with Dr. Pradeep Chopra regarding the psychological and psychiatric aspects of the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and hypermobility spectrum disorders
EDS expert and pain specialist Dr. Pradeep Chopra contacted Chronic Pain Partners to speak about a recently published review on the psychological and psychiatric aspects of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Dr. Chopra has been…
Jules Machias about their EDS journey and new middle-grade book Fight + Flight
For our Chronic Pain Partner Post newsletter, the Chronic Pain Partner media team is excited to introduce the EDS community to the new middle-grade* fiction book “Fight + Flight,” which features a character with EDS! I had the…
Interview with EDS advocate Donna Sullivan, TCAPP, about wrongful child abuse allegations and medically complex children
For our Chronic Pain Partners Post newsletter, I spoke with Donna Sullivan, board member of The Coalition Against Pediatric Pain (TCAPP). Sullivan lives with EDS and has several affected children as well. In this interview, she shares…
Jeannie Di Bon’s Zebra Club App – A Review
“Wow,” was the first word that came to my mind when I started to exercise with Jeannie Di Bon’s new program: The Zebra Club. My feelings regarding Jeannie’s new app were very similar to when I read Diana Jovin’s book Disjointed, which…
Gift ideas for chronically ill people
The holidays are around the corner, and soon, we all will be ordering presents for our healthy or chronically ill friends and family. I don’t know how you feel about this, but I always have a hard time finding the right gift. Luckily, there…
Cheers, to a new New Year’s Eve tradition: Gratitude
Can you believe that the year is almost over? Again? I feel like since the pandemic started, time has flown but also stood still at the same time. Unlike 2020 - we can all agree that 2020 should just be canceled entirely, right? - I have mixed…
Not losing yourself as a chronically ill person
My back hurts, sitting in an uncomfortable grey metal chair with red and white tape next to me, so nobody can sit down right beside me. I stare at the white wall that features a giraffe and a leopard - at least I think it’s a leopard, but…
Chronic Illness, the bad days & coping
“Wow, I feel like my condition has stabilized a bit. Finally, I can take part in regular life again!” I thought a few weeks ago. Life has been challenging throughout 2020. Actually, challenging isn’t even the right word. It has been a…
Guest blog posts and podcast interviews
Ehlers-Dan… What? Most people - and sometimes even medical professionals - do not know how to spell Ehlers-Danlos syndrome at all, let alone that they would know anything about the various symptoms that are associated with the rare illness.…
Learning to accept life with a chronic illness
It is not easy to live with a chronic condition. All of a sudden, your whole life changes, and nothing is like it used to be. You fall into a big hole that does not seem to have a bottom, and it is challenging to get out of it again. However,…
Interview with The Good Place actress Jameela Jamil
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing actress and advocate Jameela Jamil for ABILITY Magazine.
Jameela Jamil is an advocate for social justice, body neutrality, LGBTQ rights, and for a while now, she has also been using her public…